The Art of Toys is a gallery that specializes in art toys. The client works with a number of artists from around the country that create their own toys as well as other works of art. She operates a physical gallery in Downtown Sacramento CA, to which her website adjunct is of the utmost importance for commerce and business purposes. She contracted Good Choice Design to redesign her site which contained around 600 products- a large-scale e-commerce site. It needed to be designed in a CMS that she could manage and operate on her own so we used WordPress for its accessibility, adaptability and design malleability. What originally started as one wordpress site has now become a multipress site, with a number of subsites. In tandem with these needs, the site also required internet visibility optimization. The scope of this project has included internet advertisement (including complete design, graphics and produced, ready to post files), graphics and the web design from start to finish. Additionally, this project was expanded to include email marketing campaigns, plus ongoing technical support both on a weekly basis and as needed. Please click on the image to the left to view the website, if you are on mobile the image will be above.